The price of fame & losing yourself

I recently finished reading a book called 'Shopaholic to the stars' by Sophie Kinsella; this was the 7th book in the shopaholic series and I have to say i was very surprised. Normally, the way these books are written is in a way which there are many small problems which lead to one big issue involving the main characters. This book was completely different. The problems Becky, the main character, faced were quite drastic and involved most of the characters from previous series. The book ends with a seemingly happy ending, although we never really find out whether or not all the loose ends are tied up and we are unclear as to what exactly is going to happen to everyone, other than the fact that most of them are planning on going off on a wild goose chase in the desert.

I won't say much more about the book itself as it is fairly new out and I don't want to reveal spoilers for people. However, the book was set in LA/Hollywood, and the main storyline seems (to me) to give a message - just how far will one person go to have their little bit of fame? And are they willing to lose themselves to become known?

As a future path/dream, I have it all planned out. I obviously want marriage and children, but I know for certain that I want to live in Italy and I want to become a journalist. A bit of a combination I am aware, but I am very determined to get there. Having said that, I don't want to focus so hard on achieving these goals to the extent I become a lonely person in life. By this I mean I slowly and unknowingly push everyone I love away for the desperation for my '5 minutes of fame'. If you look at any celebrity - Johnny Depp let's say (He's someone everyone has at least heard of) - he is a billionaire who is known globally - but how did he get there? I don't know myself and no one can really say, but he does seem to have a very big fanbase. This is what it seems to an outsider anyhow. No one knows what his personal life is like (and quite right too!) but the point I am trying to make is that if I want to become rich and famous or just achieve my dreams, I don't to lose myself and my life I love in the meantime.

This is just my idea of fame and the price it comes with and I hope one day, when I'm living in Italy doing a job I love, I'm still happy and surrounded by friends and family and a life I will enjoy. 
Until next time, lots of love,


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