The one where...The countdown begins!

As I write this, it is exactly 126 days left until my last A2 exam at college is complete and I am finished for good! As I'm sure you can imagine, I am going through a mixture of emotions...nerves, excitement, euphoria, sadness...the list is endless! I think the thing I am most happy about now is that I will officially be in control. No teachers telling me where to go, what to do and when, despite if that's making me happy or not. I can do what I want and make sure my own happiness is the most important. By this, I don't just mean sitting around all day watching netflix (as nice as that would be). I mean if I want to travel to Italy spontaneously (which I do), I will be 18 and in the big wide world by myself - I can damn well do it!

This doesn't mean I'm not doing anything but travel after college either (and it won't just be for the fun of it and going to beaches, although that is part of it). I am taking a course through The Open University. This is a way for me to do a degree I want (Classical studies/Ancient History) without having to go away to university for it. They send you everything - the work, money if you need it, anything you ask them i.e. textbooks etc..and you have a personal tutor who you meet up with once a month or so to keep you on track. The Open University has no grade requirements, no time limit (the longest time you have to complete your degree is about 16-20 years, depending) and you can take our work wherever you want, so long as you have internet connection. Not appealing to most teenagers I know, but appealing to me. I love writing (obviously), I want to be a journalist of some form and I am also a massive ancient history geek. I have decided to combine these as a career and I am going to aim to be an ancient history journalist. This is where Italy comes in useful - I can travel to Italy, Rome, Greece, Turkey...All the countries and cities I would have been learning about since year 12 and my AS studies, put my work into context whilst I am learning and getting a degree...And maybe even conduct a few interviews whilst I'm at it! It's a win win situation!

This is the overall plan for when I leave college - hence the mixture of emotions. Someone said to me recently though "aren't you upset though? You're no
t going away to university and all your friends are. Don't you realise they're going to forget all about you and make new friends, you're going to be so lonely". This got me thinking. Maybe it's true. The way I see it, if people are really my friends, they will stay in touch with me. Of course everyone is going to make new friends - I can't stop that, nor do I want to. But that doesn't mean I will be wiped from memory completely. I have already promised a majority of my friends that I am going to visit them in their campuses anyway. If people don't stay in touch with me, oh well, clearly it wasn't as strong a friendship as it first appeared. I think I already know the people I am going to stay close to forever, and vise versa. These are the people I am going to hold tight and never let go. Let alone the fact I have promised a very dear friend of mine to marry her if we are both single later in life - the wedding is all planned out and it will  be fabulous.

I think the idea of this post was to just let you all know what's going on in life. I'm a very happy person right now, and I really hope it stays that way.

See you all soon. 
lots of love, 


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