The one where it's RED NOSE DAY.

Hello everyone! Thank you all for being so understanding about my last blogpost, it means a lot as that was a very scary thing for me to write, but now that it's out in the open, I feel so much better!

I feel like now college is drawing to a close, I will most definitely be able to blog more - I need something to keep me busy next year! Also the fact that actually having a blog and writing on it regularly will help me get into journalism - any writing or experience is better than none!

So today, what I thought was a great idea to blog about was the charity of Red Nose Day. Although this is a charitable time that has been going on for years, since it first launched in 1988, I feel it's not talked about enough or known fully about. To most people it's just a comedic time of year that's used to raise money for charity, and in a way, they're right. But it's really much more than that. The comedy is used to appeal to an audience in such a way that it's fun to raise money - you just have to 'do something funny for money' - something easy and relatively simple that can go so far, do so much and make such a change for people!

Although Red Nose Day only occurs once every 2 years, every year, the same amount of publicity is shown around the event; The charity itself is for the benefit of third world countries. The website itself says that "Comic Relief has been able to create real, lasting change to the lives of individuals, communities and the issues we strive to tackle."

There are so many ways over the years that have been used as fundraisers for this cause, such as 'The great british bake off' Red nose day special this year with youtube sensation Zoella making an appearance as well as Gok Wan. Other fundraisers frequently used in schools include non uniform days, bake sales and as is happening in my college today - a 24 hour football match. People have previously been skeptical over the years saying silly comments such as 'celebrities are only used to get viewing figures up' or that 'they're just doing it for good publicity'. I not only completely disagree with these views, but I also think that people who say things like this are being completley ignorant to the true aims of the charity.

I personally think the use of celebrities is a great idea. This year, on BBC1 at 7pm, Comic relief will be aired with sketches involving Stephen Fry, Miranda Hart, Cheryl Cole, a Vicar of Dibley special, a James Bond sketch with Daniel Craig and Roger Moore, a Little Britain sketch with Stephen Hawking himself and a Mr Bean special. That's just from the trailer on the Red Nose Day website. There is most definitely going to be more shown and I for one will be tuning in.

I would honestly say that if people are interested in finding out more about this incredibly helpful charity then to how a look around there website which I have linked above and will also link again here.

Thank you for reading this everyone, this is something I felt needed more coverage and awareness.

See you all soon,
Lots of love,


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