What I think about...Series 9 Doctor Who

So Doctor Who has returned with a bang. It came back a few weeks ago, and this post is long overdue.

I remember that from the very first time I watched Doctor Who I was hooked. I began watching back in 2005 when it came back. After watching the first series, I watched all of the old ones, just finishing in time ready for the new series when David Tennant made his name. I guess I was a binge watcher from an early age.

Ever since that Saturday evening in 2005, I have watched every episode. I have laughed, cried, had confusion...Read articles, seen behind the scene videos, watched interviews..I am a complete and utter Whovian.

So I thought, what better time to write a blog post, than with the new series of Doctor Who. Series 9 kicked off on 19th September 2015. After a dramatic series 8, I was intrigued to see what stories this series would hold. Peter Capaldi is still maintaining the role of the Doctor, which he took over from Matt Smith in 2013, and it's a well known fact now that this is Jenna Coleman's last series playing the Doctor's loveable and feisty companion  - Clara Oswald - who she began playing in 2012. Clara is easily my 2nd favourite companion besides Rose (Unless Mickey Smith counts?!) and I for one am sad to see her go, but am intrigued and excited to see who the new companion will be and what they will be like.

Anyway, back to the point - Sorry for that slight tangent there! The series is 5 episodes in, they have near enough all been 'to be continued' episodes and they have been so jam-packed that I'm starting to wonder if anyone actually breathes on set.

Whilst trying to avoid spoilers for anyone, there are episodes which have been tried before - Ghosts is one example, it has been tried before, it went well. There is a ghost episode in the new series which works very well (it may have given me slight nightmares...) and also is so clever and has twists and turns around every corner.

The most recent episode is the one that has probably been the most talked about; Maisie Williams plays a young girl who becomes a warrior fighting for her viking village. Most people either know or have heard of Maisie Williams from the TV show 'Game Of Thrones', in which she plays a complete badass character - Arya Stark. Her badass traits had clearly transferred over into her role in Doctor Who.


The recent episode ends quite dramatically - it is constructed in a way which makes the audience thinks that Ashildr (Maisie Williams' character) has died, but then the Doctor does some very confusing actions that I won't even try and explain - watch the episode, it makes it clearer - and then next thing you know - HEY HO SHE LIVES. This bring me on to a theory I have about where next weeks follow on episode is going to go...

My theory is as follows - The Doctor's Daughter is now making a new appearance. The last time we saw The Doctor's Daughter was in 2008, a bubbly and adorable character called Jenny, played by Georgia Moffett. The last we saw of her, her body repaired herself - like a regeneration, but without actually changing her face, and then she was off to see the stars.

I think that the character of Maisie Williams is Jenny, post regeneration. How it will all link together, I don't know, but that's my theory, and if Maisie Williams were to be a recurring actress? Then I would be a very happy whovian.

So that's me fangirling about Doctor Who! As always feel free to chat away in the comments, leave suggestions, leave me what you think if you watch Doctor Who...

So until next time,


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