2015 - A year in review

So we are now 4 days into 2016 - in case you were somehow unaware...

This post has taken me a lot longer than it should have done to write, but I thought what a better way to start a brand new year of blogging than to look back over the year that has passed. This will be a cliched and reminiscent post. You have been warned.

So the first day of 2015...I had celebrated New Years Eve the night before with some wonderful people, who I am still close to and talk to, as well as some people who I no longer am in contact with, for various reasons. The next day saw 'The Theory of Everything' being released into UK cinemas - a film about Steven Hawking, starring my favourite actor - Eddie Redmayne. This led me to cry buckets (as usual - it is me after all...) when I saw it on the 2nd. The 7th of January led me to watching a long awaited sequel to 'The woman in Black' - 'The Woman in Black 2: Angel of Death' which led me to be sadly disappointed. The 12th of January, I was still madly obsessed with Eddie Redmayne and I distinctly remember screaming like a teenage girl when I found out he won the golden globe award for 'Best Actor', and then on the same day I saw another film (They keep adding up...) of the musical 'Into The Woods' which left me speechless and was simply incredible. Nearing the end of January and it's clear nothing much has changed with me fangirling over the return of Mr Selfridge, a period drama which I still love to this day, and on the 26th of January, the cast for the live action Beauty and the Beast was revealed, with Emma Watson as Belle amongst a star studded cast...Basically it was a very tough first month for a fangirl!

February started off nearly the same with excitement when I saw 'Jupiter Ascending', a sci-fi film which starred Eddie Redmayne as a villain and an eager look into the trailer for the poltergeist remake, set to come out later that year. Eddie Redmayne is still on my mind in February as I happily celebrate another award he holds under his belt - Best Actor at the BAFTA's, although some (old? Is that really the word) photos from my old college show that I was surrounded by people who are dear to me and that clearly accept me for the weird obsession.

The 16th of February proved a more adventurous day as I not only left the house (and wifi...gasp?!) and went down to Cardiff to the Doctor Who experience. Me, my brother and my mum have always been long term Whovians, so, along with our family friend, we went and visited the daleks, cybermen, weeping angels - as well as a pop into the TARDIS. I then spent a day making lots of delightful pancakes with some wonderful people who I am still in touch with this year and love dearly, and then went back to my usual routine of fangirling when Eddie Redmayne won an oscar for his outstanding performance in 'the Theory of Everything'. The fangirling continued when I first watched the trailer for Cinderella, starring Lily James as the title role, who had previously played my favourite character in Downton Abbey. The end of February, an announcement was made saying Eddie Redmayne would be playing a lead role in a new film 'The Danish Girl' which came out this new years day, so I left February in the same way I entered it..an obsessive fangirl through and through.

The 3rd of March was the date I went to my first ever concert. It's not for not wanting to go, I've just never had the chance, and who better to see than one of my favourite bands, Room 94. Although I was an anxious wreck, it was wonderful all the same, I loved it, and even got to meet all the band members and get photos with 2 of them. This was definitely one of the highlights of last year, and to end a good night, the band account followed me on twitter the next day, making me squeal with happiness. Now I'm beginning to see a recurring theme because towards the end of March I was once again fangirling over the fact that a Paper Towns movie trailer had been released, and after loving the book, I was eager to see the film, and then fangirling over the release of Lily James (beautifully) singing 'A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes' for the new Cinderella film. The final episode of my fangirling ridiculousness was the despair I felt over the news that Downton Abbey would soon be finishing after their final series and christmas special...(I'm still not over it!) In the very last week of March, I decided to end the month by doing something which for me was very brave...I cut off a large majority of my lovely locks! In the above photo, you can almost get an idea for how long my hair was - it was nearly waist length. In a spontaneous decision, it went from waist length to just above the shoulders, and looked much healthier as a result of this!

A wonderful way to kick off April was to have some fun in the (lack of) sun with some of the best people I know, making me realise the importance of having positive people you love around you can make such a big difference.

The 3rd of April meant I was finally able to see the remake of the classic Disney film Cinderella, and I fell utterly in love with it. As I write this, it's not only one of my favourite disney films, but one of my most favourite films of all time; I fell so in love with it I even wrote an entire blogpost about it which can be read here.

The 9th of April proved to be another wonderful day in the sun with the same people as mentioned above (they aren't kidding when they say college friends are friends for life) and then a trip into town with them proved worthwhile as I grabbed an opportunity to sit on the famous Iron Throne from the one and only Game of Thrones.

Mid April is also the time where rumours began to fly about Eddie Redmayne playing the lead role in the upcoming new Harry Potter film 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them'; the 2 things I love the most combined - my poor little fangirl heart...things didn't improve as the new series of Game of Thrones aired on the 13th, after a years wait, and things still didn't improve when I found out one of the best and most moving books I had ever read 'me before you' by Jojo Moyes was being turned into a film starring Emilia Clarke (Daenerys Targaryen - Game of Thrones) and Sam Claflin (Finnick Odair - The Hunger Games). The near end of April ended on a high note as tickets were booked to see Wicked with an absolute Wicked Superfan. Having only seen 2 shows before (The Lion King and Les Miserables twice) I was very much looking forward to it.

May proved to be a very slow and dull month, being full swing into revision for my last year of exams at Queen Mary's College, and on the 22nd May, all my college friends and I ended a good (almost) 2 years together by going and getting delicious shakeaways. The 26th May was when I went to go and see 'A Royal Night Out', a film about Elizabeth being 'normal' for one night to celebrate the war being over. Although I no longer speak to the person I saw it with, sadly, the film remains good. The following day, I saw another film with my mother, the remake of the original film 'Poltergeist', both of which I am a fan of.

June was a long awaited month and it kicked off with a bang with the confirmation of the rumours - Eddie Redmayne had the role of Newt Scamander in the bag and was to be in the new Harry Potter film, I finished college on June 12th and of course on the 13th, I turned 18. No big deal. I spent a wonderful day with friends and family and had a party in the evening with most of the people I love there, having what is one of the best days of 2015.

The rest of the month moved in a relatively calm ending (apart from the Game of Thrones season finale) before leading into a day in London with an absolute gem of a friend who I love from college who managed to navigate the both of us without us getting lost....(much). Although it still doesn't beat Les Miserables, it was a great show and a wonderful day in sunny London (for once!) Following Wicked, the 20th of June meant one of my friends celebrated her 18th birthday too, a disney themed party and a bouncy castle meant that I could be a child for a day once again, and only a week later, J.K. Rowling announced there would be a play of Harry Potter, entitled 'The Cursed Child' releasing the inner fangirl once again. The 28th June brought another 18th birthday (Everyone is born in June. Fact.) and along with the party there were many smiles all around, as well as me doing something new and brave (for me). The hair went from waist length...to above the shoulder....to extreme short length. I'm not sure what sparked it, but after my 18th birthday I was determined to get it all chopped off and start afresh - physically my hair was so much healthier, and mentally, I felt so much happier.

July came, and brought summer with it. I travelled down to Bournemouth a few times and saw some old school friends, and their final performance together made me cry more than a little - bearing in mind some of them had been together for up to 7 years! And then on the 10th July, me and the rest of my family flew to Turkey and I had what was probably the best holiday of my life. For those who don't know, my dad is turkish and we have a very large family over there. For one week, we stayed in a house we own, in a small village almost in the middle of no where. With no wifi and no phone signal, it actually felt amazing being cut off for a week and just focusing on seeing friends and family again. The 2nd week was spent in a hotel 'Catty Cats Garden' in Side, which was outstanding - the food was delightful, the service faultless, and we were only a 15 minute car drive away from the rest of our family who we saw nearly every day. I don't know what it was about this particular trip to Turkey but for the first time, my mum literally had to drag me into the car to the airport to go home, and I sobbed my heart out for nearly the entire plane journey back. In case you haven't got it by now, this is definitely the highlight of my 2015, even beating my birthday.

 Back in England on the 27th July proved to be a disastrous day when a relationship ended with someone I had known for years and left me feeling downhearted to say the least, but there were 2 special people who were there for me when I needed them, along with lots of ice cream. Shortly after on the 30th July, a lovely evening was spent with a college friend as we went to go and see a school edition of Les Miserables which also helped to put a smile on my face.

August came and the month started off with me catching up with my little brother by taking him to see Inside Out (I think I enjoyed it more than him!) and then I spent some time with my college friends in the unusual summer sun before people went to various places for universities or whatever else. Results day arrived on the 13th August and I collected my results and then spent the evening having celebratory/commissary drinks in spoons, followed by watching paper towns later on in the month (although it was different to the book, it was still good!).

September came and with the majority of my college friends getting ready to go to university, I enrolled to start at a new college studying a level 3 BTEC in medical science, which I am thoroughly enjoying, and on the 4th of September, a trip out to have some drinks rolled around, before a final party before everyone went off to university and various places. Needless to say I cried. The rest of September rolled by in a fairly slow and calm manner with Doctor Who returning causing me to go back to my old ways of fangirling again...I then embarrassed myself at work by wearing a onesie all day for charity (and roasting alive).

October arrived and on the 7th I went up to London and did a terrifying audition, and although I didn't get the part it was still an experience I will never forget, and then on the 8th October, American Horror Story returned with what has to be (in my opinion) one of their most messed up seasons, and then Les Miserables celebrated their 30th anniversary, with the video they released of the ending - you guessed it - making me cry. I passed my theory test on the 14th October, and then I embarrassed myself again by going to college dressed as Anna from frozen for 2 reasons - the last day at college before halloween, and to raise money for charity. Other people did dress up, but I think I'll say I went the most out there...I then spent halloween sat at home in said costume with one of my closest friends over as minnie mouse, my adorable little brother as Harry Potter and my mum as Darth Vader.

November made me excited for christmas (already...yes I'm that person) and the 10th of November I got to see DAN AND PHIL in THE AMAZING TOUR IS NOT ON FIRE (A tour of their book) and I am honestly surprised I didn't collapse with excitement....The 14th of November, my little brother, my mum, our family friends and I went into town to see the christmas lights get turned on for one reason. A Jersey boys tribute act were performing (I love musicals, we know this) and I got the most adorable photo of the person I love the most (brother) meeting pudsey bear.

The near end of November saw me go and see 'Mockingjay part 2' with someone I have known for years (Like year 6...) and it was nice to catch up after a long time before I went and broke my heart out at the film..

The end of November was uneventful and December rolled through with me getting more and more excited for christmas as well as the first teaser trailer for 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them' making me a happy little Harry Potter fan.

Christmas eve entailed me going out with my family to see my brother excited for Father Christmas coming tonight (And making my heart swell) and the exciting news to hear that Eddie Redmayne would be expecting a child with his wife, making me happy for him and once again fangirl. Christmas day proved calm with no arguments (for once) and I was very happy with the Doctor Who christmas special and then the Downton Abbey christmas special (Making me break my heart - post coming soon - with the realisation there would be no more downton). New years eve eve (is that a thing) saw me being reunited with my college friends who had been at university and we replicated results day by going for drinks in Spoons again, and then New years eve was spent celebrating my brothers birthday with the best people I know and am lucky enough to have around me, followed by a New Years Eve party seeing old friends and seeing in the new year, hoping that it brings as much excitement as this year.

So that's been my year - an emotional rollercoaster and a very hard year for a fangirl. If I had to choose some highlights, it would be Doctor Who tour, Turkey and probably Dan and Phil, but that's not to say everything was absolutely amazing and I have made memories this year I will never forget (mind you my memory isn't all that...). So now the next thing is making memories in 2016!

Until next time,


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