Imagination and dreams can take you anywhere

"Yesterday, I fell off a bus".

Gets your attention doesn't it?

My dear friend Harry said those exact words to me a while ago, and I remember my initial reaction was complete confusion and bewilderment. My mind conjured up images of someone just falling out of a window. Needless to say that Harry had left out a few details and left the rest to my imagination. The story was actually that he was leaning over the edge of an open top double decker bus in London, he lost his footing and went over the edge more than he felt safe. He didn't actually fall off a bus, although it could have been close. Thanks for that Harry.

My imagination took a big role in making the situation seem worse than it was. There's a great quote that I love by Albert Einstein. It says "Logic will take you from A to B. Imagination will take you anywhere." All too often, I'm told by my parents to get my head out of the clouds and come back down to earth. If you didn't know already, I'm an avid reader, and sometimes I will sit there and dream up elaborate scenarios that I damn well know will never happen, but like thinking about anyway. It makes me happy to think that even though I have a very mundane life, imagining little scenarios, or dreaming up things that will never come true is almost like a way where I can do the extraordinary whilst still making a cup of tea.

When I was young, talking about 6 years old here, I wanted to be an astronaut, (this is all linking together, I promise). Whilst I was growing up, my parents all went along with it, until when I was about 10 and still set on that being my dream job, when I was firmly told I needed to stop following some silly little daydream and be realistic. To this day, I would love to be an astronaut, but I've become realistic myself and realised it's not going to happen - I'm too short (apparently that's actually a legit reason) and I suck at maths, which is very important...Now just because I can't be an astronaut, it doesn't mean I have to stop dreaming about it. There's being realistic and there's being boring. There is a big difference. I think the two often get muddled together, perhaps because people think they mean the same thing.

This was a very rambly post, but the point I was trying to make is that even if you live a very mundane life, like me, that doesn't mean it has to be boring. You can be realistic, but you can also dream and imagine things which can take you anywhere. I'm a very strong believer that imagination can take me anywhere, and when I'm doing a boring task, it's silly little daydreams that can make me smile when I need it most.

Okay so I understand that this post probably makes very little sense, but these are just some thoughts that have been swirling around in my mind and I just wanted to get rid of somewhere (and that somewhere happens to be my blog).

I hope there will be a much more structured blogpost up for you all soon anyway!

Until next time


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