A good ol' Q & A

So I've been having a bit of a creative block lately, so I thought I would do a completely unoriginal and do a good ol' Q & A. I aint gonna blabber on about it so here we go!

Favourite musical theatre song?
Okay so first off, this is an AWFUL question for me to answer! Everyone knows I love musicals and asking me to choose my favourite song is like asking a mother to choose her favourite child. I have favourites from each musical, yeah...but I can't choose my favourite overall! So I decided to let itunes decide for me by seeing what my most played musical theatre song is...
So my most played song is 'Sieze the day' from Newsies. I love it and I love the musical. I'm not going to say anything other than go and listen to it. Right now. Go on! It'll be worth it!

Favourite series on netflix?
ONCE UPON A TIME.  ONCE UPON A TIME.  ONCE UPON A TIME! I literally do not know what I was watching before OUAT. Owned by Disney, OUAT follows Emma Swan in a town called Storybrooke where a bunch of fairytale characters are trapped, not knowing who they are, and only she can fix things. A lot of characters are from your favourite Disney films, so if you are a fan of Disney, I thoroughly suggest you start watching it!

Favourite youtubers?
As from my recent posts about Carrie Hope Fletcher, it's a given that itswaypastmybedtime is my absolute favourite youtuber, but the other ones I mainly watch 24/7 are doddleoddle/doddlevloggle, danisnotonfire, amazingphil, danandphilgames, oohgaryc and petesjams. Yeah, as you can tell...I have no life. If you want to suggest any others to help my downward spiral though, feel free!

Favourite disney villain?
Normally, when you say 'disney villain' people think of the generic ones - Ursula, Maleficent, the Evil Queen from Snow White...Now these are all quite 'scary' I guess for children, but my favourite, and the one who I was always scared of is from Pinocchio. My favourite disney villain is Stromboli from Pinocchio. Don't remember him? He's this guy:
He's the one that takes Pinocchio and sticks him into a puppet show. He actually scared me more than the donkey guy for some reason...
What Harry Potter merch do you have?
HAHAHAHA. I have a STUPID amount of Harry Potter merch, so just to make things easier, this is going to be an entire blogpost of it's own which I shall soon link here. 

Do you think Snape's love of Lily makes his actions in the books forgivable?
Okay if you're not a potter fan and haven't seen the films at least, you're not gonna understand this question, or my rant of an answer...Also, spoilers.

I get it, Snape went through a lot. Being bullied because James was a bit of a twerp in school, as was Sirius. I get it, he was bitter seeing the son of his love of his life every day. I get it, he was right in the middle of a war with Voldemort. HOWEVER. That does not mean you can abuse - mentally and physically - said child of love of life, as well as his two best friends and also dear old Neville, whilst favouritising the children in his own house. In one of the books (Number 3 I believe) he makes a comment about how big Hermione's teeth are, so she feels very insecure. He sneers Neville's potions to the point where he is crying. Instead of doing his JOB - helping and supporting students, he brings them down. In my opinion, no. I don't think his love for Lily makes his actions forgivable. 

Do you believe in love at first sight? (i.e. Disney)
In real life...No. In Disney...sometimes. I believe in it when I watch The Little Mermaid, Cinderella, Aladdin...But after watching Frozen, watching Anna fall in love with Hans, it makes it clear just how ridiculous it is...

What is your favourite quote from a musical?
My favourite quote from a musical is from my favourite musical - Les Miserables, and the quote is from the Epilogue. 

'Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise"

It ALWAYS gives me goosebumps and I just love the hope that one line holds.

What memory would you choose to conjure a patronus charm?
For those who don't know, a patronus charm is a spell in Harry Potter cast to shield away dementors - creatures who take happiness out of a person; to conjure a patronus charm, you need to think of your happiest memory. For me, it's a tie between 3. The first - when I performed as Eponine in a Les Miserables school edition (A dream come true), the second, actually going to the Harry Potter studio tour (I was so happy, I cried for the first hour...) and the last one, meeting my all time idol and favourite person ever, Carrie Hope Fletcher.

Snily or Jily?
A Harry Potter reference - Snily is Snape and Lily's ship name, Jily is James and Lily's ship name. For me, it's Jily. For reasons why, see an above question about Snape..

Why do you think so many girls love Draco Malfoy?

My answer for this is, I think, going to be a controversial one. I think it's because he's the kind of person who can be found in every school. There's always the class 'bully' who sneers at people and makes comments and generally makes them feel miserable. That is relatable. No, this doesn't make him a good person, or loveable(I'm getting there). I think that Draco is also relatable in terms of his upbringing - pressure to be like his parents and not being able to escape the situation he is in which causes him to have to do awful things - Book 6 for example. I'm not saying everyone can relate on that big of a scale, but 9 times out of 10, people (including me) will say that they feel like they have to ALWAYS do what their parents say and follow in their footsteps - much like Draco did. He also doesn't deny he is a bad person - in book 6, he clearly shows vulnerability and regret over his choices and you can really see who Draco is - a young boy who had no other options. At the end of the series, we can see that he has (hopefully) changed when we see him once again on platform 9 3/4 with a wife and child(ren? I can't remember the number of kids...), so clearly someone saw the potential for him to move past his mistakes and the bad choices. Long story short, I think so many girls love Draco because he is the same as most of us - a relatable character who made some bad choices he regrets.

What do you think about the stereotypes of the Harry Potter houses?

You guys clearly like the Harry Potter questions - not that I'm complaining! This is also going to be a very very long answer, so I'm going to do another separate post for this which will soon be linked here.

And that was it for the Q & A this time! I might do another one later in the year, but I have quite a few posts which I want to write and get out there first so you can expect to see them soon!

Until next time,


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