Lush Peeping Santa Bubble Bar Review

So after months and months of not posting, look who's back!? After a hectic 2016, here's to hoping 2017 will give me time to slow down a little (not likely, but a girl can dream) and have time to go back to doing more of what I love.

So, let's kick of blogging in 2017 with a gloriously wonderful review of a lush product.

Now, I've never been to a lush sale before. I buy their bath bombs and bubble bars as a kind of treat to myself every so often, and when I've had an anxiety or stress-filled day, I will run a hot bath and use the lush product I've been waiting to use for a while. Out of curiosity, I went into lush on Boxing day (Brave, I know) and was extremely surprised at just how big of a sale they were doing. Not only was there a great deal of stuff in the sale, it was going ridiculously cheap. I managed to get 3 bath products for the same price I would normally pay for one! Each of the three items I shall be reviewing, so let's start with the first one I used.

The peeping santa bubble bar did look a little odd as I chose it, the eyes looking a little...well...demonic...but the idea was there! And the bright red colour for santa's coat more than made up for it!

So I crumble the bar under the hot water from the tap and get in the bath. I took my time in the bath, enjoying the free evening I had - a rarity for me! The water had changed from clear to a nice gentle pink, and the bubble bar left my skin feeling luxuriously soft, and I came out of the bath feeling more relaxed than I had for a long time. I'd say that is money well spent.

If there is one thing I would have to say about this bar, it's that you really need to rinse the bath afterwards! I mean, I'm sure this is something you do anyway, but the bubble bar left my bath with a fine red coating with some nice glitter everywhere, so be prepared for that!

I apologise this was a short review, but honestly there's only so much I can say!

Until next time


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