My Sister's Keeper book review

My Sister's Keeper - Jodi Picoult - 2/5 Stars.

I read this book a couple of years ago, but I never really understood it properly, so I decided to read it again this half term. Although the idea of the book is really emotional, and the film adaption is wonderful, I must say, I don't think the book is as brilliant as it is said to be. The book itself took me the longest time ever to read - a total of 2 weeks (wow, disaster!). This may not sound like a lot, but considering I can normally read a book in 2 days, this is quite extensive. 

I'm not sure what it was exactly, but in general, I found the story moving really slowly and not a lot happening. There was a great detail put on Kate's (the main character who has cancer) medical history, but when it came to her death, it was over very quickly. This may have been intentional, but I just didn't like the way it happened. 

Speaking of medical history, this is another thing that put me off. There was a great deal of language used based around medical terms and to do with the court case (Anna, Kate's sister, is suing her parents for the rights to her body - she no longer wants to be a donor baby). The use of these words lost all meaning on me, as I didn't know half the meaning to the words used (Not because I'm stupid, because they were so extensive). 

To give credit to Judi Picoult, she has clearly thought the story through, as the characters are realistic in the speech and emotions, I just think, in my opinion, that the book was a major let down to all the good reviews people have been giving it.


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