Fandoms, Fangirls and all the language you need to know.

If you're one of the lucky people who actually has a social life and goes out on the weekends, this post could go either way for you. It could be really useful and help you understand the life f a fangirl, or, it could be a complete waste of time seeing as you'll probably never use any of these words. I hope it's not the latter.

If, like me, you are the opposite of this and half gained the wonderful life of a fangirl (To be explained later), then this post should be perfect for you, especially if you're easily confused (like me). The idea of this post is to explain the 'fangirl' and 'fandom' language for those who haven't got the faintest idea what I'm on about. I think it's best to start with the basics - the fandom world which fangirls live around...

Fandom - A colony of people who surrond/obsess over a tv show, film, book etc..(anything really). The colony consits of fans who can be fanfiction writers, artists, poets and even cosplayers (dress up as the characters). As far as I'm aware, the Harry Potter fandom is the biggest one.

Fangirl/Fanboy - Male or Female who is obsessed with people, films, shows, books etc...A fangirl is the mist possessive person who belongs in one (or several more) fandoms. They obssess and squeal (and most importantly cry) over little things that make no sense to anyone. For example...

And cue the fangirl tears.

Ship(s) - A romantic relationship between characters in fandoms - ones that happen in the book or ones that fans wish would happen. In Harry Potter, the most famous ones are:
- Harmionie (Harry Potter & Hermionie Granger)
- Romionie (Ronald Weasley & Hermionie)
- Dramionie (Draco Malfoy & Hermionie)
- Hinny (Harry & Ginny)
- Nuna (Neville Longbottom & Luna Lovegood)
- Snily (Snape & Lily)
- And finally, Jilly (James & Lilly).
The fact that this isn't even all of the ships in one fandom alone should give you an idea of just how imaginative people really can be. When you meet a fan and want to get to know them quickly, just as them who they ship from a certain fandom. Guaranteed to get a reaction.

OTP's - One True Pairing - as simple as that. Your favourite ship from each fandom. Doctor Who Fans generally have a massive OTP - 10 (David Tennant) and Rose (Billie Piper).

Brotp's - Similar to OTP, this is for best friends as opposed to lovers. Sam and Dean from Supernatural proves to be a (very) popular brotp for the supernatural fandom.

Feels - A huge rush of emotions that can't be controlled when a fangirl/boy sees something to do with their fandom. For example...
'Oh the feels'
Abbreviations - Because it would just take so long to say all the names of the fandoms normally, abbreviations simply had to be made. This is so you know what people are on about when they start talking fandom to you.

HP - Pretty obvious - Harry Potter.

THG - The Hunger Games.

TFIOS - The Fault in our Stars

PJTO - Percy Jackson and the Olympians

DW - Doctor Who

TMI - The Mortal Instruments

TID - The Infernal Devices

Now that's not all the fandoms, that's just the ones with shortened names. With that many fandoms, the fans are going to need names to refer to each other as. Some of them are...

Potterheads - Harry Potter Fans

Whovians - Doctor Who Fans

SuperWhoLock - Supernatural, Doctor Who & Sherlock fans

Disnerd - Disney fans

There you go - all the lingo needed to be able to cope with fangirls & fanboys everywhere. Hopefully now you'll be able to understand half of the conversation you're having!


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