Let's reminisce...

So as you all are probably aware by now, I am a big fan on looking back and reminiscing on memories. So I thought today would be a good day to do a post looking back at the first two months of 2016. This will also make my end of year 2016 post a lot easier and quicker to write...

January 2016

So, everyone hates January. It's the first month in a new year, it's after christmas so they fun and excitement has gone, leaving a grey, dreary dull month. I had spent New Years Eve with some good friends and it was a nice chance to catch up as they are at university and I am still at college. The evening was fun and I may have had more to drink than ever before...

My first blogpost in January, as I'm sure at least some of you will be aware, was a complete recap of 2015 - the good, the bad and the downright weird (which is a common occurrence for me!). If you haven't read it, you can find it here.

The 14th of January seemed to cause the whole world to have the biggest heartbreak as we lost possibly one of the UK's greatest actors. RIP Alan Rickman, you're being sorely missed.

Now I won't lie...January was a very dull month. But there's one day in January that was not dull in the slightest. I'm fairly sure at least half of you reading this will know where I'm headed...A christmas present was tickets to see my favourite musical 'Les Miserables' on the west end stage with the current amazing cast with one of my favourite people in the show - Carrie Hope Fletcher. I then met Carrie and one of her co-stars at stage door. I won't babble on about this much more because I did a post all about my trip to London which you can read here.

Although this was wonderful, I did manage to make myself (physically) sick with worry the next day I had annoyed Carrie at stage door...What a moron I really am.

February 2016

February rolled around and the first thing which happened is a trailer was released for Jojo Moyes' bestselling book 'Me Before You'. I am an avid fan of the book and I cannot wait for the film. The trailer alone made me cry! (In class...embarrassing much!)

Then the most recent thing that has happened in February is having a delicious meal in wagamamas with my wonderful friend Gemma (Hey Gem if you're reading this!). It was an amazing day to catch up with my good friend as she is at university, so I try and see people when I can. 

The final interesting thing to happen this month was also seeing my friend Emma. Believe it or not, we're in the same town and she is impossible to get hold of, answering her phone once every week it feels like...(Hey Emma if you're also reading this!)

Whilst we're doing the whole reminiscent thing..I was thinking of doing a few blogposts for books I read in January and books I read in February...is this something you would be interested in?

Until next time,

Love these people very very much!


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