So, you know my last blogpost? The one you can read right here, which you probably should read before you read this one. I said at the end of that post that I hoped there would be a follow up post....well here it is!

So, I saw Les Misérables on Friday night, not for the first time. My good friend had been incredibly awesome and bought tickets for me for a christmas present, so on Friday we went to London and saw the musical. I have in fact seen Les Mis 3 times now, Friday night being my third time. Every time I see the musical, it leaves me a crying, speechless, overwhelmed mess. This time was no exception. The first time I saw Les Mis, I was just getting obsessed (See previous blogpost), then the second time, I saw Carrie Hope Fletcher, not long after she started. Now, don't get me wrong, I loved Carrie before I saw her in Les Mis, I loved her the first time I saw her in Les Mis, and I still love her now - I've always been a big hopeful. However, when I saw her in Les Mis on Friday, it was different.  When I saw her on Friday, I was loving the show, then when Paris/Look Down kicked in, and the audience see Eponine for the first time...I lost it. I smiled, slowly, then cried. I didn't do this the first time, because I was so overwhelmed at being in the same room as my idol, I was just in shock, but I think this time...I was overwhelmed for the same reason, but because my love for her has only grown, add the fact that I was watching my favourite musical and add in the reason my love for Carrie has grown...I was a mess.

I did compose myself (until the next tearjerking moment in the musical) and then made it to the end. After the show, after sobbing my heart out at the ending, we went to stage door. I was lucky enough to meet Zoe Doano, who plays Cosette, who was so so lovely and happy to sign my programme and take a photo with me. I then got the AMAZINGLY lucky opportunity to meet Carrie herself. I asked her to sign my copy of 'All I know Now' - a non-fiction book written by her (which you should all read) and told her how we had just seen the show and we thought she did a wonderful job, I then got a photo with her, which made my life, before I wished her the best of luck with everything in the future and said thank you so so much. I didn't spend too much time because stage door was rather busy, it was starting to rain, I could feel myself welling up, we needed to find our way home, and I didn't want to keep Carrie for too long after a tiring show.

Although I didn't tell Carrie just how much she means to me, there are other ways - letters, tumblr messages (hopefully a book tour) etc...but it still has honestly made my life meeting someone who I have adored for so long. And of course, meeting Zoe was amazing too, I think she is a wonderful Cosette!

So this post was quite rambly, but I think this was a good way of documenting what is probably one of the best days of my life.

Until next time,


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