Apologies, The best piece of advice I have ever been given & My thoughts on the new doctor!

My blog has been abandoned for such a long time! I understand that apologies and excuses do not change anything, although I'm going to do it anyway!

I am very sorry for the lack of posting although my excuse is very valid. As you all know, I do have a youtube channel which I have been working on and that can be found here. I have also been filming very long videos on the channel which is taking up a significant amount of my time. On top of that, I plan all my videos and blog posts and have just started up again at college! Lots of busy things to do!

I recently asked for questions for a new video, and one of them was 'What's the best piece of advice you have ever been given and who by?'. This took me a while to think of, because when I am given advice, I don't always follow it through. When I was thinking, the best piece of advice I thought of honestly made me go cold all over just thinking about it. The advice was:

"I'd rather be old and say 'I regret doing that' and have it changed me for the better than never do anything and wonder what would have happened if I did. I understand that this can be difficult to carry out sometimes - there's always the fear of the consequences - but if you never try, you'll never know. I certainly try and carry this out to the best of my ability!

On a lighter note, I'm sure you are all well aware that 'Doctor Who' has once again started up! Though I think the new doctor (Peter Capaldi) is going to be brilliant, I know many people have started to tune out because they don't agree with the cast change. Admittedly the new doctor is not as enthusiastic as others have been in the past, but I think that is out of fear of disappointment. The actor does have children and is not completely immune to social networking sites - I think he will be well aware of the things being said about him. I personally think that it's not really fair to judge him on the 4 and a bit episodes we've seen him in, and I think given some time, he will warm to the role and prove everyone wrong. 'Doctor who' have never made a bad acting choice before (despite some debates) and they're not going to start now and cause disappointment to everyone. I for one am very eager to see how he is going to do, and progress the doctors new, darker storylines. 

There is also rumours that Jenna Louise Coleman, who is currently playing the Doctors companion, Clara, will be leaving at Christmas. Clara is my 2nd favourite companion, next to Rose, and I will be really sad to see her go (if the rumours are true) but will wonder what the new companion will be like. 

What are your thoughts on this? Let me know! 


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