My views on fanfiction

For every book, film, musical, TV show...whatever, you can almost guarantee there will be a fanfiction posted out on the internet somewhere concerning that world. For most people, fanficition is a simple way to keep the world going on even though no new material is going to exist. 'Harry Potter' is a particular popular topic when it comes to this - it gives writers a chance to edit the story to how they want it to be and it gives readers a chance to read something else about a place and people they love. Where's the harm?

The problem is that even though most people see it as an innocent piece of fun, other people can have the view that fanfiction is a for of plagiarism. The characters, the world and the story idea does not really belong to anyone apart from the original author. What right do people have to take a world they've worked on for so long and crafted so carefully to now change it and make it into something different - possibly ruin it?

The way I see it is that  think so long as the fanfiction author says that they own nothing to do with the original work - it is all copyrighted to the original author and they have no intention of publishing the work - then there is no issue.  It's not like they're stealing the words - they're just creating their own version.

Having said that, I think that if you are going to write fanfiction, you need to do it well. I don't mean you have to have an A* in English, you can write fanfiction no matter how good or bad at English you are. What I mean is you have to get the facts right - you can't suddenly change the ages of the characters or change the world they live in drastically; It also has to make sense. If the work written is too confusing for you to type - it'll be even harder for people to read!

That's just my thoughts on a subject - and I actually got this blogpost idea from a book I just finished reading. The book is called 'Fangirl' and is written by Rainbow Rowell; For the lesson of fiction-writing, the professor says the work handed in by a certain student is plagiarism because it is a piece of fanfiction.

What are your thoughts on fanfiction? Is it innocent or copying? Do you write or read? Let me know in the comments!


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