A few minor changes

My blog was always intended on being a hobby. That's it. I want to be some form of journalist when I'm older, and this was a great way to get used to writing for an actual audience. When I click 'publish' after writing a new blogpost, it's out online and there's no turning back. Sure, I can delete the post, but there's always that knowing that once something is out there on the internet, there's never really a way on making it disappear forever.

I knew there would be a problem if my blog ever went away from being my hobby to becoming a chore. Writing posts is something I love to do, but once it starts to feel like an obligation I have, then that's an issue. That's the stage which I'm at now. I feel like I need to write blogposts, not that I want to. Because of this, I hastily write posts because I feel like I need to, and they never end up that great.

I think part of the problem for this is that currently, my blog doesn't feel personal to me. When I started this blog, I thought if I wrote about more personal things to do with me, then people would have no interest and wouldn't bother reading it. It's now that I realise that I don't really care about who or how many people read my blog. Sure, it's an added bonus and I love that people want to read the stuff I write, but that's not my main concern. The thing I need to focus on the most is my own happiness - if I'm not happy writing this blog then there's no real purpose in me running it. If people choose to read after that, then that's great; if they don't well that's their loss really and it won't affect me at all.

Having said all this, making my blog personal is exactly what I'm going to do. I won't be all in your face about it of course, but I want to make my blog feel closer to me. If I have watched, read or had some form of experience happen to me that I think would have changed me in some way, then of course I will share it with you all, but this also means I don't have to write a set number of blog posts per week/month etc...This makes my life so much easier because right now I am busy busy busy! I have my youtube still getting started (in which you can find the link here), I am right in the middle of my A levels and coursework, I have recently been employed, as well as spending time with friends and family!

So, until you see me next, I will love you all and leave you. If you choose to stay and read my posts in the future, thank you! It means a lot. 

Lots of love,


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