Hush Hush book review

Last year I borrowed a book called 'Hush Hush' from my friend. I read it overnight and then gave it back the next day (proving that I have no life). I then went out and bought the book the next day because I loved it so much. It has been almost a year since I last read it. I decided to read it again to remind myself of why I fell in love with the book. Believe me when I say this - there are more than a million and one reasons I could say. Lucky for you that's not what this post is...

I am a HUGE fan of the 'fallen' series. If you aren't aware of what these books are, here is a link to the first book on amazon. They are spectacular. Long story short - fallen angel, forbidden love. It sounds soppy but it is so much better than that. Having said that, I like it when it's unique. So when I saw the catchphrase for this book and saw it was EXACTLY THE SAME. I lost a little faith, thinking 'oh great, just another teenage forbidden love story'. Oh how wrong I was.

The book started off in the usual way - ordinary girl who stands out and is suddenly obsessed with an ever mysterious new boy.  Her best friend who can turn from lovely to cold hearted in 0.2 seconds warns her against him.

And then it got different...

Without giving too much away - the plot is unlike anything I have ever read before and I had no idea what to expect in the book - the main 'villain' isn't properly clear until the end, and when I found out, it shocked me completely. The ending itself was unbelievable - the biggest plot twist imaginable.

The best (or worst) part, is that at the end of the book, all loose ends were tied together and there was no big cliffhanger...yet there are still 2 more books. I for one am intrigued to see how the plot has been carried on without (hopefully) ruining the series!

An absolutely wonderful book, it has gone straight to the top of my favourites list. An easy 5/5 stars!


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