Let's review...a horror film

So when I say horror film - what instantly pops into your mind?

For me, it's typical horror film conventions. You know the ones - demons, ghosts, haunted houses, creepy dolls, probably some dead people...You get the picture.

Over the years, horror films have kind of given themselves a bad rep. Personally, I don't see why. Sure, not all horror films are good. In fact, there are some pretty crap ones out there. Whether that's due to low budget, bad story or just predictability. But, if a horror film is done well, then that's a bonus. In my opinion, I believe that horror films are the hardest genre to make. You are working with creatures or whatever that aren't actually there. And if it's a child acting in the film? Even more difficult.

A particular series of films that have got an exceedingly bad name for themselves are the 'paranormal activity' films. They've been mocked due to not having enough activity and it just being an hour and a half of people sleeping, it's not scary enough, it's predictable etc...and I must admit - sometimes, the films can drag on.

I personally think that the more films they made, the better they got....up until the 5th one. Yeah, there's that many. The first one...I got bored, the more it went on, the better it got, but you had to get through the boring bits first. The second one, was better by far. It got on with everything quicker and everything was more dramatic, with more activity than the last. Repeat with film 3, but on a larger scale. Plus a hell of a dramatic ending and it explains things. Deliberately being vague here for spoilers...Then there is film 4; more explanations, in my opinion - best footage for activity - lots of it and on a massive scale.

Prior to the best in the series - film 4....came film 5. Where the entire series went downhill. The 5th one tried to be dramatic, scary, out there...whilst linking all the previous films. It was dull and boring. There was too much talking and not enough...well not enough activity. I did say I like explanations...but too much makes me turn off...And as for the link? It was so complex, I completely missed it.

Which then leads us on to the most recent one..'Paranormal activity: The ghost dimension'. After seeing this film, I believe the series has redeemed itself after the previous film. The action begins almost immediately, meaning there isn't much waiting around, the action is dramatic, at some points - it is actually scary (woah) - and the acting from a 10 year old girl is pretty damn convincing. There are explanations as to what is happening, why to this family etc...but not so much that it made me shut off and although the ending is a little far fetched and ridiculous, it is making you curious as to how the next one will follow through (with the assumption there will be another one).

So this was a little bit of a waffly blogpost, in terms of it taking a while for me to get to the point, but I hope you enjoyed it! If not, I'm sorry, but with the festive period ever looming, I have many posts planned and there should be something there for everyone.

Until next time,


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