My skin routine

Okay, first things first. I AM NOT SPONSORED TO POST THIS. There has been quite a hiatus over vloggers and bloggers recently about sponsors and being paid to post things. I haven't even got a large enough audience to be sponsored to do anything! This post is ME. MY IDEAS, MY PRODUCTS, BOUGHT AND USED BY ME.

Clear? Good.

Okay, so a majority of people will know the issues with having bad skin. Mine isn't's just not great either. It can get bad in terms of drying up, having more spots than a leopard, or going to the other side of the spectrum and being a little greasy. I went through a phase where I used so many products from so many brands - cheapest to high end in price...until I found a brand which seems too good to be true. It's almost perfect. For me anyway!

Simple are an amazing brand.  They advertise themselves as making products for sensitive skin; that they do. On a normal night - i.e. when I'm at home and not elsewhere etc...I have quite a routine I do in order to try (TRY being the operative word) and keep my skin as healthy as possible. So, here is, as asked for - my skin routine which I do in the morning and evening:

1. Simple face wash.
This is the first thing I do in the morning, and the first thing I apply to my face when I'm getting ready to settle in for the night. I basically lather some it in my hands, then rub it on my face and leave it there for a bit (it's meant to be about 2 minutes, but because it's me, I end up getting distracted and it ends up being about half an hour...) and then gently rinse it off with warm water. I use this mainly to clear my skin of anything bad, like dirt etc...which can then lead to either dry skin, oily skin or spotty skin. Or in my case, all three in one day. Yeah. My skin can be that bad.

2. Simple anti-blemish moisturiser.
This is what I use after the face wash, and it basically does exactly what it says on the tin (Tube?). I use it to moisturise my skin and (try and fail) stop spots and blemishes appearing. For this, I just put small dabs on various parts of my face and rub it in. Even if it doesn't get rid of every single spot ever (it helps, it's no miracle worker), it does make my skin nice and soft.

3. Simple hydrating moisturiser
And this brings us onto the final simple product I use on my face (Can you now see why I have to wake up early and go to bed late? Yeah me neither...). The routine for this one is literally the same as the one above, so I won't repeat the whole thing all over again, but this one, again, does exactly what it says. I'm better now, but I do get in the habit where I will simply not drink enough water, and we all know that can have bad effects on skin. This just helps your skin to have the right amount of moisture and keeps it healthy.

So that is my morning and evening skin routine which keeps my skin absolutely perfect! (HA IT'S NEVER PERFECT). As always, feel free to leave me comments about anything you wish!

Until next time,


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