Lush Bathbomb Review

Let's set the scene...

I walk into a store and am slightly overwhelmed with the many scents that hit me from the numerous products. Soft lighting, super friendly staff members that chat to me for 20 minutes, products that are good for my skin and a brand that don't test on animals.

In case you hadn't already seen the title of the blogpost or guessed by my slightly long winded intro...I am in fact talking about the wonderful world of Lush.

I recently used a new bath bomb from Lush, named intergalactic. The name lives up to the product. A nice bright blue colour with pretty colours lining their way around the middle - pink, yellow, green...And lots of gold glitter covering it. I literally felt like I was holding a planet.

So, I paid the £3.95 and eagerly awaited my very rare evening to myself to relax in the bath and take some me time, mainly to procrastinate from doing my college work.

Let's re set the scene. I'm running a nice warm bath, there is a relaxing playlist of Japanese music playing from my phone (safe on the windowsill, away from the water) and I put a (slightly heavier than I expected) bath bomb in the bath.

I am not even kidding when I say this. I have never seen my bath water change so quickly. The water went from clear, to blue & pink & yellow, to a dark blue like the colour of a lovely night sky, complete with glitter stars.

Now, I am poor. I say that, it's a slight exaggeration - I work weekends at Tesco, but still remain a broke college student. If I'm going to spend money on a bath bomb from Lush, I want to make sure my money isn't wasted. I think I sat there and soaked in the bath for a good 20 minutes. This won't sound like a long time to most people, but considering I'm generally more of a 10 minute shower person...This was really pushing the boat out for me.

When it comes to Lush products, I'm never really disappointed. This was no exception. When I got out of the bath, my skin felt wonderful. Later this week there is a post going up about my daily skin routine, after my bath with 'intergalactic', this routine could be boycotted for a night. My skin felt so lovely and soft and smooth, it was a nice refreshing change. To add to the quality, in case you didn't know, Lush don't test on animals, and wherever possible, their products are home made.

This leaves me with one more thing to talk about. The glitter. If I was going to a party? I would be set. A whole 24 hours later, I still had glitter from the bath bomb on my arms, legs and face. In quick need of a halloween or christmas costume? Use this, stick on a dress or whatever and BOOM. Autumn/Christmas fairy. However, if you have a kind of important meeting the next day...Maybe refrain from using it that night...

Overall, I was very impressed with this product and can find it a very easy recommendation, so be sure to give it a try! Hopefully in the new year I won't be too poor as I want to try some of their hair and skin products and maybe will do more reviews like this!

Until next time,


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