Inside the TARDIS

Admit it, if you're a Doctor Who fanatic (like me) or not, you wouldn't say no to a space and time travelling machine. The big question is - if you had a time machine where would you go?

Me...I want to go to so many places back in time to see how they lived and what the world was like. I'd like to go to 1920's America, like in 'the great gatsby', the Edwardian period in England like in 'Downton Abbey' and even to the 60's period like in 'Grease'. But I think if I could choose only one time period to go to, then it would have to be one I'm particularly fond of - 1914. I know that at this point it seemed bad, what with world war one and young soldiers dying for their country, but I am passionate about it for the way women lived. This was the point at which women were beginning to gain freedom - they were protesting - like the suffragettes, wearing clothing which made them feel free - showing their ankles - and were even able to speak out in public without the fear of the consequences. This is the time at which everyone was friends - admittedly there was still a class divide, but people still spoke amongst each other in a friendly manner, quite unlike today.

My favourite thing about this era, no matter how shallow this sounds, is the clothes. I know that the upper class were really the ones to have the stunning wardrobes, but that doesn't mean I can't admire them. The lovely long flowing dresses, the ball gowns and the wonderful hats that were for every occasion, I can't help but imagine how wonderful it would feel to be seen in a dress that stunning.

If you have anywhere in space and time you could travel to, where would you go? I'm curious to find out, so leave a comment below!


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