The Undomestic Goddess - housekeeper or non stop sleeper?

The Undomestic Goddess - book review & reality check - housekeeper or non stop sleeper?

I recently read the book 'The Undomestic Goddess' by Sophie Kinsella for the second time. Sophie Kinsella is a particularly favourite author of mine because of the realistic way she writes. The characters are realistic in the way they talk, think and act, and the plots are realistic in the way that everyone can relate to them. Sophie is the same author of the 'Shopoholic' series, which also had me laughing to myself.

I have a certain fondness for 'The Undomestic Goddess' because the main character, Samantha Sweeting, is one of the top lawyers in London. When she accidentally takes a job as a housekeeper in the country, she realises that although she knows everything there is to know about contracts...She doesn't know how to boil an egg. I give the book 5 stars for having the ability to make me laugh to myself (particularly on public transport) and (no spoilers) really unexpected plot twists.

After reading the book, I had a thought. If I was in the situation of becoming a housekeeper accidentally, how would I cope? The role of housekeeper includes all the housework - hoovering, dusting, changing the beds well as cooking - and not just your average beans on toast. I personally think that in this situation - I would cope reasonably well. Admittedly my cooking isn't 5 star standard, but if I take my time I can do most meals to a nice taste. I already do a fair amount of housework in my own home, so I don't think doing it for someone else would be too much of a bother.

So to you - my amazing readers - if you suddenly found yourself with the occupation of housekeeper - how would you get on?


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