Shiver - Maggie Stiefvater - Book review (kind of)

I have so many books on my shelf that  I am slowly making my way through. I happen to be a bit of a bookaholic though (I'm assuming that's a real thing). This means I may have about 30 books at home waiting to be read, but if I see books in any shop I want, or just like the look of, I will go out and buy it - making the amount of books I have to read even bigger.

I was recently in a charity shop and I saw a 3 book box set for £1. That's a pretty good deal. The books also happened to be the 'Shiver' trilogy by Maggie Stiefvater. These had been books I'd wanted to read for a long time and so many of my friends told me they were really good.

I eagerly started the first one, expecting it to be brilliant...only to be very disappointed. The story is told through 2 main characters -  Grace and Sam. Each chapter is told by one of these; it was really difficult to differentiate between the two. It told you whose perspective it was at the beginning of every chapter, but apart from that, you'd never be able to tell them apart.

The reason I have said this post is only a kind-of book review, is that I got so bored reading this book that after nearly a week, I'd only read 100 pages...That's pitiful for me. Nothing was happening, the characters had no depth and the story was moving very slowly. So what did I do? I gave up. I don't see the point in reading a book if it's not something I'm enjoying. Books are supposed to be something that makes people happy - 'Shiver' certainly wasn't doing that.

The book also reminded me of 'twilight'. That's not a good thing. I didn't finish the book but I do know the story.


The book is basically just a story of how a teenage girl falls in love with a wolf. Yeah. A wolf. He's actually a werewolf, but she doesn't know this when she falls in love with him. Grace is basically in love with a big dog.

I'd give the book 1 star out of 5, and that's being generous. I wouldn't recommend it, but if it sounds like the kind of thing you'd be interested in - then by all means go for it. I'm just sharing what I think. If you've read/going to read the book, let me know in the comments below!


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