When did music become a competition?

The other day, someone asked if they could look through the music on my phone. Me, not really being ashamed or having something to hide, agreed. After about 5 minutes, they gave up and said 'You have terrible music taste - the music on your phone is so bad'. I've heard this statement said to me so many times and have never really paid it any attention; for some reason, this time, it really annoyed me.

The music on my phone has quite a range - I have musicals/musical theatre, disney, 'old' artists (such as Elton John - who happens to be my favourite singer -, The Carpenters, ABBA) all the way up to modern music such as McFly, Demi Lovato, Ed Sheeran and Gabrielle Aplin. There's no real pattern. The modern music I have on my phone, but it just so happens to be the music that not everyone likes. Just because my music tastes happen to be a bit different to everyone else's, does that automatically make it bad?

I thought that music was supposed to make people happy - I thought that was the sole purpose. It now seems like music is a constant competition to see who has the best music taste; it also appears that people are ashamed to let people see their music just because they're scared of what other people are going to say. This shouldn't be the case. Admittedly I know the music I have on my phone isn't everyones cup of tea - and I don't expect everyone to listen to musicals and disney just because that's what I have on there. What I do expect is for people t respect the fact that this is the music I have on my phone - I like it, I listen to it and I'm not ashamed of that. It makes me happy and that's all that matters.

I'm not a fan of One Direction. I'm not going to lie - I can't stand either them or their music. That's just my opinion. However, I am not going to judge/hate/prejudice anyone because of this. If this is a group who you listen to and makes you happy - wonderful! Just listen to what you like and don't care about what anyone else thinks.

This is just my very strong opinion on a subject that I am very passionate about, as you can tell. Other people will obviously have different thoughts. What is your view on this? Let me know in the comments!
My 'most played' playlist certainly has a bit of everything...


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