The Hunger Games & My Love/Hate Relationship

I realise in my last post I said I was going to alternate between blog posts and videos on every other day...But I (somehow?!) forgot that I was going on holiday the next day, making it awkward do posts for both my blog and my youtube. I think, after consideration, it's probably better to just aim to do 1 or 2 of each a week and work from there...

On a lighter note, Plymouth was wonderful! Once I've sorted out photos and such, I shall be doing a post about it later today!

Whilst I was away, I decided to read 'Mockingjay' for the fourth time, 'Mockingjay' being the last book in 'The Hunger Games' trilogy. I love 'The Hunger Games' series - I can definitely say I'm a part of the fandom...but I do have a bit of a love-hate relationship with the books & films. Mainly the films.

When I heard they were making films out of the books, I had mixed emotions. I was overjoyed because they're one of my top series...But very concerned - if you've read the books, you'll know what I mean by me saying that they can be difficult to adapt to the big screen. Obviously it's easier now because film technology is so much better and more advanced now than what it was 20 years ago...

So the film came out and I went to see it. I was not disappointed....much. The thing that REALLY bothered me is that the second the films came out, everyone turned 'Twilight' and now it's all 'Team Peeta' or 'Team Gale'. THERE IS NO LOVE TRIANGLE. Everyone who knows me will know that I HATE love triangles - there is no point to them in my eyes. Even Willow Shields, the actress who plays Primrose Everdeen, has openly said there is no love triangle in the book, everyone has invented that themselves.

I also am very irked (is that a word? It is now!) to find out that the last book will be split into 2 films. 'Harry Potter' was the first book series to do this - because otherwise the film would be about 6 hours long (Not a problem with me, but still). Now every series is doing it - 'Twilight', 'Divergent', 'The Hunger Games'...I cannot find a place in 'Mockingjay' that they can split the films evenly. The only spot I have found, which I won't say for spoilers, is near the end which means an hours worth of film will have to be made up. That is not a good idea.

This is just my view on a book series, but other people may have a different idea! Let me know in the comments!


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