Why do girls feel the need to change themselves?

I do apologise that my posting has gotten a bit irregular but I do have a very valid excuse for it...I have finally plucked up the courage to get around to making youtube videos. The link is here for you if you all want to watch them - it would mean a great deal if you watched and subscribed!

Youtube has distracted my from my blog as I can't really see the point in making a video about something and then writing a blog about exactly the same thing. However, this helped me formulate a plan. In the summer holidays (which I am currently in the middle of) I thought it would be a good plan to do a youtube video every other day and the same with my blog - so when I'm not posting a video, I'm posting a blog!

Today when I was thinking about what to do a post about, I noticed that when I go out and about, it's nearly impossible to find a girl, almost as young as 10 now, not wearing make-up. I'm 17 and I don't wear it much. That's not because I don't want to - it's because my organisation of my make-up is atrocious (I can't find anything!) which I am slowly improving...and also because I am incredibly lazy. I will try and get every bit of sleep in the morning - if that means sacrificing making myself looking better by wearing make up...then so be it!

But then I realised, I don't really need to wear make-up anyway. I enjoy wearing it because it makes me look better, but it's not a necessity for my every day routine. Everyone seems to think that girls wear make up to impress other people. That's not always the case. Most of the time, it's to make themselves feel good. The problem with this is that it has now gotten to the stage which girls are admitting that they don't feel good in themselves without make up anymore. THIS SHOULDN'T BE THE CASE.

It makes me feel so sad to think there are 10 year olds out there who are already thinking they need make up to feel good. You can feel good without make up. I know it sounds cliched - and that's because it is cliched...But everyone is beautiful the way they are and they should always feel good about themselves if there's make-up on or not.

This is a subject which makes me both so angry and sad; if you have any other opinions then let me know in the comments!

Also let me know if you have any requests for videos and blogposts! I'd love to hear them!


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