A book you hated & a book you couldn't put down - LAST DAYS OF THE 30 DAY BOOK CHALLENGE

A book you hated & a book you couldn't put down - Days 29 & 30 - LAST DAYS OF THE 30 DAY BOOK CHALLENGE

This is it guys! The last post for the 30 day book challenge! Thank you all for being so patient with me for these 30 days, but it has been worth it! It did the job it was intended for - I now have lots of good and different ideas for posts which I am very excited to write! 

The reason I've put the 2 final posts together is because I have already spoken (ranted) about the first one before in another blogpost. The book I hate happens to be the 'Twilight' series by Stephanie Meyer. I'm not going to judge anyone or hate anyone who has read 'Twilight' and happened to like it; it just wasn't my cup of tea. I thought they were awful in practically every way. I thought the story dragged on, there was a love triangle that lead no where and the characters were dead (in some ways literally). I won't elaborate much more because, as I've said, I've already kind of covered this post here

That brings us onto the final book challenge day! A book I couldn't put down. Some people may think it weird that the book I couldn't put down is 'Safe Haven' by Nicholas Sparks. I am aware that this is also a book which I have already vaguely covered in a previous post. I think part of the reason that I couldn't put this book down is because it's one that really surprised me. I was expecting a slow, dull romance novel; I was very much mistaken. The book covered so many themes in such a short amount of time, but did it well so it didn't feel rushed. There was love, hatred, fear, danger, bravery, family, heartbreak....the list just goes on. 

Another reason, I know for a fact, that I couldn't put the book down is because I can remember the feeling of surprise I got when I read the great lengths that the main character went through just so that she could escape her abusive husband. Looking back now, I know the tension that was so cleverly created by Nicholas Sparks is another significant thing which kept me hanging on. 

Do you have a favourite book? Or one you hate? Let me know in the comments!

And that's it! No more of the 30 day book challenge! Don't worry, from now on I will be posting about things that aren't just books so that there's a bit of something for everyone!


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