July/Summer Q & A session

I have done a question and answer session before, but recently more and more people have been reading my blog. Because the post was a while ago and I have done lots of posts since then, most people won't spend 10 minutes scrolling down my blog to find a post which tells people about who I am. 

Because of this, I thought that as it is summer and because I have more people reading what I have to say, a new question and answer session is in order! I asked people who I speak to every day - my friends, my family etc...and they gave me questions; I also asked people on every single social networking site I am part of (There's a lot) and I got questions through there. I am a fan of youtubers - particularly Carrie (itswaypastmybed) and someone said I should do the TMI tag (Too much information). Overall, there are quite a few questions but for some of them, the answers are short and this should allow people to get to know me really well! So here we go!

1. What is your favourite book ever?
I love loads of books - I have a special soft spot for series - I love 'Harry Potter', 'The Hunger Games', 'Fallen', 'Divergent'....But I think my favourite book of all time has to be 'The Book Thief' by Markus Zusak. The book follows a young girl called Liesel Meminger and the book is narrated by death. It sounds morbid but it is done so well - it filled me up with emotion on so many occasions! The book is set during world war 2, so we see the same events in history through the eyes of a young girl who doesn't always understand what exactly is going on. At one point her family is hiding a j
ew in their basement - very dangerous at this point in time - and the book conveys so many themes and emotions. Theres fear, love, action, hope, drama...The works! I'd give it 5 stars and recommend it to everyone! I seem to have gone off on a bit of a tangent, but it's clear why this is my favourite book ever!

2. Pineapples or Watermelons?
Watermelons - they remind me of the perfect summer fruit, not sure why! They also remind me of the ridiculous part in 'Ice Age' when the dodos are all fighting over the last watermelon they have left...

3. Favourite youtuber?
I spend a lot of my time watching youtubers, so this is a difficult question for me! I love Zoella, Joe, Dan & Phil, Emma...But I think my all time favourite has to be Carrie - itswaypastmybedtime. I say this because of so many reasons! She is my absolute idol - she's playing my favourite part/character in my favourite show on stage - Eponine Thenardier in 'Les Miserables', she always manages to give great advice to everyone and anyone who asks on social networking sites, she loves Disney and 'Harry Potter' - like me, she defends Fandoms (I'm in several of them), a big fan of cake...And possibly the best thing - she is a massive bookworm! (books mean a great deal to me). I could go on for hours saying why I love her so much and why she is my
favourite youtuber, but I'd better not...

4. Braids (Plaits) or ponytails?
Braids. I have really long hair, so it keeps it cooler than what a ponytail would; it's very helpful, especially in the summer. It also makes me feel like a particular disney ice queen, but let's ignore that...

5. Rice or bread?
Rice - bread is really boring, as well as the fact I hate the crusts! You can also have rice as a savoury food item, or sweet in rice pudding! Works both ways!

6. Tea or coffee?
COFFEE! I always have to have a cup of coffee in my hand - I drink too much for it to be healthy, I basically run on caffeine!

7. Do you prefer shorts or pants (trousers/jeans) or skirts and dresses?
I love wearing dresses and skirts, but when I do, I have to keep reminding myself to sit ladylike..I do wear shorts although they make me feel very self conscious...That leaves pants! I wear jeans and leggings loads - mostly because I don't always make myself look flattering in the ways I act - I'm really boisterous - I climb trees, go running round the park, ride bikes...So it's the best option for me!

8. Sandals or sneakers (trainers)?
I do like wearing sandals - especially in the summer - as they are comfortable and pretty...But a lot of the time, I will stick to my trustworthy converse - mostly out of convenience!

9. Cedric or Edward?
CEDRIC! Not a fan of 'Twilight', very big fan of 'Harry Potter' - it's my favourite fandom! (If there is such a thing!). Cedric is in Hufflepuff - the cutest and most underrated house, he helps Harry in every way he can - in the 'Goblet of fire' he tells Harry how to find out what the second task is, as well as being super brave in the maze for the third task...Cedric is just an awesome character!

10. Most played song on your phone?
'Let it go' by the ever fabulous Idina Menzel from Frozen - you all know the one! I love the film, actors and actresses...It's only natural to love the soundtrack - particularly this song! It's just so catchy and feel good! It's had a grande total of 126 plays!

11. Would you rather live in your favourite fandom world and not be able to communicate with anyone, or be able to speak to your least favourite character who has a secret that you will love when you find out?
My favourite fandom is 'Harry Potter', and my least favourite character is Delores Umbridge...I'd probably find it difficult to communicate with her, but the idea of a secret intrigues me so I think I'd be able to cope, just! I'm going to say be able to communicate with my least favourite character.

12. Hazel Grace Lancaster or (Bea)Tris Prior?
This is an evil question! I love both the books and films of these characters and I love Shailene Woodley who plays them both! If I had to choose (although I don't want to!) I would say Tris, purley because she does so much to fight for what she believes in.


Tris thinks the faction system in her world is an awful idea and she doesn't think that people who are divergent are feared. She decides to rebel against the system. ON THE SAME DAY she finds out her brother is a traitor and is helping to rule this system, she has to shoot her best friends boyfriend and watch him die, as well as losing both her parents...and still carries on rebelling. She then leaves the place she calls home to go and get help. That's a lot to cope with in a year for a 16 year old, let alone the same day! I don't want to choose, but I choose Tris.

13. What are you wearing?
I'm currently wearing a grey t-shirt with white flowers all over with cut off jeans.

14. Have you ever been in love?
I thought I was at one point, but looking back now in hindsight, I realise it wasn't love, especially not at this age.

15. Have you ever had a horrible break up?
Thankfully - no. My last relationship ended nicely, as break ups go.

16. What's your height?
4 foot 8. Very short for a girl my age, I am aware.

17. What is your weight?
50kg - I want to be healthier however.

18. Do you have any tattoos?

19. Do you have any piercings?
Just my ears!

20. OTP?
This is where it gets confusing, I'll just go through fandom by fandom...
Doctor who: 10 & Rose
Harry Potter: Neville & Luna
Hunger Games: Katniss & Peeta
Divergent: Tris & Four
Sherlock: John & Sherlock

21. Favourite show?
There's loads I like - I love 'Only fools and horses', 'Downton abbey', 'Mr Selfridge' and that's not forgetting 'Sherlock', but I think my favourite is 'Doctor Who'.

22. Favourite bands?
McFly, All Time Low and The All American Rejects.

23. Something you miss?
Being a kid!

24. Favourite song?
It's always changing, but currently it's 'Really don't care' by Demi Lovato and Cher Lloyd. I don't really like Cher Lloyd and I'm not an obsessive fan of Demi Lovato, but the song applies a lot to some people who used to be in my life!

25. How old are you?
17 as of June 13th!

26. What's your zodiac sign?

27. What quality/qualities do you look for in a partner?
Being able to trust them and if they can make me laugh!

28. Favourite quote?
"Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light". Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban, Albus Dumbledore.

29. Favourite actor and actress?
This also gets confusing!
In the film industry:
Favourite actor: Eddie Redmayne (Closely followed by Johhny Depp)
Favourite actress: Amanda Seyfried (Closely followed by Samantha Barks)

In the theatre industry:
Favourite actor: Ramin Karimloo
Favourite actress: Sierra Boggess (Closely followed by Katie Hall and Carrie Fletcher).

30. Favourite colour?

31. Loud music or soft?
Soft - it's nice to have in the background

32. Where do you go when you're sad?
My room - it's like my own little house! I usually read until I feel better.

33. The last show you watched?
Teen Wolf

34. How long do you spend in the shower?
Up to 30 minutes - I can be a big procrastinator!

35. How long does it take you to get ready in the mornings? 
About 40 minutes when I apply make up, 15 without!

36. Have you ever been in a physical fight?
I wouldn't really say a fight, although I have hit some people then regretted it immediately afterwards! I'm very short tempered when people go out of their way to upset others!

37. Fears?
Clowns, Spiders, Claustrophobia and not knowing. For example - if I was put in a dark room, I would be scared because I don't know why I'm in there, what else is in there with me or how long I'm in there for etc...

38. What was the last thing that made you cry?
Watching Les Miserables and Eponine's death.

39. When was the last time you said you loved someone?
I declared my love for Eddie Redmayne whilst watching Les Miserables yesterday.

40. The last book you read?
'An abundance of Katherines' by John Green.

41. 'What book are you currently reading?
'Shiver' by Maggie Stiefvater

42. The relationship with the last person you texted?
One of my closest friends.

43. Favourite food?

Milk chocolate with oreo!

44. A place you want to visit?

45. The last place you visited?
My fridge...Madame Tussads in London.

46. Do you play any instruments?
Guitar and some keyboard - badly!

47. What was the last sport you played?
I rode my lovely bike, if that counts...

48. What was the last song you sang?
A one person rendition of 'One Day More' very loudly...

49. Would you rather have lots of internet or little food, or little internet with lots of food?
Food is my friend, so lots of food and little internet.

50. If you could turn a member of your favourite band into a cat, who would it be? (They can still sing and make music).
I'd say Tom Fletcher from McFly - if you know anything about him, you know he loves cats - I can see him being an adorable ginger kitty!

51. What are your interests APART FROM READING?
Fangirling, watching/listening and singing (very loudly) to musicals & musical theatre, writing terrible works of fiction, eating, sleeping, watching too many TV shows and films... I also enjoy riding my adorable bike.

52. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Apples - they have as much caffeine in as a cup of coffee (I love coffee, remember) so I would always have energy, and they are really sweet so I would have no sugar cravings! (This was very well thought out!)

53. If you were trapped on an island, do you have any skills that might help?
I'm violent when I want to be, so I could kill things to eat, I'm strong so I could build shelter; I'm also a strong swimmer so I could swim to somewhere better.

54. What's your Hogwarts house?
I'm a wonderful Ravenclaw - the same as Luna Lovegood!

55. What shape would your patronus charm take and what memory would you use to conjure it?
A dolphin - I wasn't creative enough to think what it might be for myself, so I took a quiz. My memory would be when I went to the 'Harry Potter Studio Tour' in London - I'd been asking since it opened and I finally got to go! I cried when I went through to the great hall, and again when I saw the Hogwarts castle. Not tear
s of sadness, of happiness that I was finally there! It's ironic that to make my patronus charm, my memory is the place where the magic all began!

I said there was a lot! Hopefully that gave you all a chance to get to know me better! If you have any more questions, leave a comment below and I'll answer them in the future if I do something like this again!


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