Kindle vs Books

The ongoing debate - which is better - a Kindle or a Book?

When people go on holiday, they become all ambitious and decide they want to read a great number of books. This is great, but if you want to pack all these books into a suitcase, they not only take up a lot of space, but they can also be very heavy. In cases such as these, it's handy to have a kindle; although, it does feel better to hold an actual book with paper that you can turn pages with. That brings me onto the ongoing debate - which is best? A kindle or a book?

I personally know I'd rather have a book any day. It's nice to know that when you've turned the last page of a book, you've finished a piece of work that in one way or another has changed you. I can see why people might prefer Kindles, but for me it's just something I really can't see the point in.

There's also the fact that covers on books can be so pretty and look so much better than the ones in black and white on a kindle. I know this is a superficial thing to say, especially with the saying 'Never judge a book by it's cover', but it's true. I have every single 'Harry Potter' book, but as of September, new copies are being released with special anniversary covers. I am going to go out and buy them all over again just because the new covers look brilliant - it's exactly the same books just with another cover, yet I'm going to buy them. This isn't possible on Kindles - you have the same cover for the book in black and white; I personally think this is very boring. 

Any avid reader will agree with me when I say - books are too expensive. Considering it is just a stack of paper put together, they are too expensive. On a kindle, books can be bought for as small a price as £2.00. You'll be lucky to get a bookmark for that price in a shop now. Having said this, I would rather pay a high price for a book that I will like to hold and read happily as opposed to a modern metal/plastic/whatever kindle that I won't be able to feel affection for (it's possible). 

That's my opinion - books are better any day, but what's yours? Let me know!


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