Why being weird is better than 'normal'

My friends are a bunch of absolute nutters. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't change them for the world - I love them more than words can say...It's just that when we're together, we're mad, weird, loud and completely crazy. I think that's why I love them so much.

This leads me to the one thing I think is my overall motto for life: IT'S BETTER TO BE WEIRD THAN NORMAL. There's a famous quote that backs this up that I LOVE - "you only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough" (Mae West). I think that even if people do stare at us for acting weird or being too loud...Who cares? We're having fun! That's all that matters!

Me and my friends I love so much!
I'm the girl in the green dress on my knees;)
In my group, everyone is different, which is why I think we all get along. I'm the 'murderer' - I'm a bit violent sometimes...There's the emotional one, the wise one, the calm one, the musical one (always singing), the loveable one...Everyone has their own quirks and funny little ways. I wouldn't trade them for the world.

There's also the big question...What is normal anyway? Is there such a thing? The way I see it is that everyone has something a bit weird about them...How they act around a certain person, something they love that no one else does, their own little habit or routine. Surely if everyone has something like this, then no one is really normal? If they keep it to themselves and just come across as normal, surely this means that they must live a boring life.

This is just what I personally think, so if you have different views, please let me know - I am genuinely interested. Sorry this is such a short post guys, more are on the way!


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