Is obsessing over a celebrity or fictional character such a problem?

Every girl (and sometimes guys) goes through that phase where they obsess over celebrity to the point that they will almost cry when they appear on TV. Everyone goes through this at some point, but is there really anything wrong with it? People say it's a silly and childish thing to do, but if it makes someone happy, don't make them feel bad by saying mean things.

I personally have an almost out of control obsession with Eddie Redmayne. In my eyes he is the most wonderful person to have lived and at one point I started planning our wedding (Not now, I have realized that may have been a bit too far.) and I understand that whilst saying these things, I may be a bit...narrow minded here. This likeness I have for him may seem a bit ridiculous to other people but it's something that makes me happy and my friends have accepted.

Having said this, I can see why people wouldn't think this is a good idea. It seems to be that people obsessing over a relationship that won't happen is very optimistic and, in some extremes (almost unrealistically) can prevent future relationships from happening. If you meet someone and instead of having a normal conversation you claim you're 'saving yourself for ...', that's not only a really sad thing to do, but it can be very off putting for the other person.

I'm a bit realistic as I'm not at the point where I say that I'm 'saving myself for Eddie Redmayne', and I probably never will say that for the fear of my sanity and because I'm a bit more realistic than that. I personally don't see an issue with obsession over them, but I know many people disagree and think it's something that just shouldn't be done.

Do you obsess over a celebrity or fictional character? Or do you disagree with it entirely? Let me know!


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