Derilium book review

Book: Delirium
Author: Lauren Oliver
Rating: 3/5 Stars

After this book being on my 'to-read' list for a long time, I finally decided to give this book a try. I had very high expectations because so many people had said this book was well worth reading. My high expectations may be the reason I was let down so much when it came to reading the book.

I felt that it was a book that moved along very slowly and it was difficult to get into - as in I couldn't lose myself in the story as I can with most books. There was an unnecessary amount of time spent describing details that had no effect on the rest of the book. I also felt that the plot was very obvious from the offset.


The book is about how people are treated for a disease - the disease is love. The main character's mother was treated several times for it; when it failed every time, she then died. The main character is called Lena Holloway and she just has mere months before she is treated against the disease...but then she meets a boy under the name of Alex. Long story short, they basically end up being in love and there is also a love triangle involved (Oh yipee).

What I can't understand is that in this future world, if someone is diagnosed with the disease of love and they are treated several times but it still doesn't work, then they are just killed. That is something which just shouldn't happen! In this current world, if someone has an un-treatable disease, we don't kill them, we just make them happy for whatever time they have left. Admittedly the saying 'Prevention is better than cure' is right, but if you can't prevent it or cure it on some people, people should just learn to live with it.

The characters didn't help with the plot either. I got the idea that they were just plain and boring people - because it didn't say otherwise. I know that I needed to use my imagination but that can only take me so far - I need the author to help me by giving me some basic information about the book. It was a while before I even learnt the main characters names - surely that's the first thing I should be told? It took to the end of the book before I could finally connect who everyone was, their names, importance and their overall personalities. The characters were so dull that I couldn't actually connect with them emotionally at all and it just made the book that little bit harder to read and enjoy.

This is just my opinion on the book - I am aware that the book is a part of a series, but I am still debating if I want to finish the series or not - is it worth it?

Have you read the book and agree or disagree with this? Or are you yet to discover the book for yourself? Let me know in the comments!


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