Letters - a dying form of communication

As a child, I always used to get so excited when I received mail in the post. Admittedly the only time I ever received post was on my birthday and they were cards from relatives I never spoke to...It may not have been important to anyone else, but to me, at the time, I felt like the most important girl in the world and it made me feel so happy to know people had been thinking about me enough to send me a letter.

It was only recently that I realised  that writing letters is something that simply isn't done anymore. That really saddens me. The reason this thought struck me suddenly is because I am reading a book which is completely based around this subject of writing letters. 'Dear John' by Nicholas Sparks follows a young couple - John Tyree and Savannah Lee Curtis - who are (big surprise) in love. There's just one small problem...John works for the army and is stationed overseas. It's going to put pressure on the relationship. To try and prevent this, the couple send letters to each other constantly. This doesn't sound too strange because of the context. Because of the job he has, it is nearly impossible to communicate in any other way which is why letter writing is used.

In this country, why people don't just use letters as a main form of communication, I'll never know. As an example, if people live on 2 sides of the country - such as Cornwall and Scotland, why wait until you see each other, or speaking on the phone, or even using social networking sites - it seems to me that the best idea is to write a letter to each other. It doesn't need to have a dedicated purpose or any big news to share. It could just be a general chat - exactly what people would say over the phone, just in letter form.

I personally think that the whole idea of writing letters is rather beautiful. That feeling when you open an envelope to find a piece of paper that someone has taken time, effort, love and thoughts to send a nice message to someone special, or someone who just happens to mean a lot to them.

The only point at which I can think of when people actually send letters is if someone is a fan or a person, or a thing in particular. I am, of course, talking about fan mail. What makes this worse, is that if people could get attention in any other way than writing a letter to celebrities, they would; because they can't get noticed on social networking sites - letters are the last resort. I think it should be the first form of communication people should turn to, or maybe I'm just being old fashioned.

If I knew I would get a reply, I would gladly write a letter and send it immediately, but I know if I was to send a letter to someone, they would most likely facebook message me back.  I even think the idea of a love letter is wonderful - putting how you feel about someone into words and giving it to the one person who is most special to you - I don't think there's a better way to share how you feel about someone.

This is just my opinion - as old fashioned as it may be - but other people may disagree. What do you think about writing a letter to someone? Would you rather just text people? Let me know in the comments!


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