A book you would love to live in – 30 day book challenge

A book you would love to live in – Day 18 of the 30 day book challenge

Today’s challenge is really difficult for me – there are so many books I would love to live in, but for a lot of them, I think the reality would be very different to what I’ve read. The ‘Percy Jackson’ series for example; the idea of being a demi god who goes out and fights monsters sounds wonderful and exciting…but the reality of this is that it would be dangerous and life threatening, probably to the extent that I would be too scared to leave the house. This also applies to ‘The mortal instruments’ series. I live the idea of being a shadow hunter who defeats demons and such, but it’s such a terrifying and dangerous reality that I’m not sure how long I would last.
An exception to this is the ‘Beautiful creatures’ series. There’s no real fear of danger and such, but when you turn 16, you are turned to a side. I.e. you don’t get a choice of whether you turn good or evil with your caster powers. 

The top 3 books that I have narrowed down to live in are:

  • Divergent
  • Harry Potter
  • Between the lines

The reason I chose ‘Divergent’ is because I think it would be quite interesting to be living amongst people who think the same as you – people who are in dauntless all have one thing in common – they like to be violent and stand up for themselves (this would be my faction). Those in Erudite all have a thirst for knowledge, those in Amity are all happy and peace loving, abnegation all want to dedicate their lives to others – they’re selfless. Finally that leaves candor – they always tell the truth, no matter what the cost may be. Having said that, if you choose to change the faction you are currently living in, you leave behind your whole family and the life you know – never to see them again properly – that’s pretty damn  heartbreaking for a 16 year old. There’s then the fear of becoming factionless – the slightest mistake in your initiation means you have to go and live your life as a homeless person, only getting food from those who are generous enough to give you some. On top of that, before you even choose a faction, you have to take a faction test – going under a simulation to see what you would do in certain situations. If you fit into more than one category you are ‘divergent’. Divergent’s are initially seen as dangerous and are usually killed. Probably not such a good idea to live in this story world after all…

Harry Potter’ is the next book (series) I thought it would be quite cool to live in. Currently I am living a boring and muggle life – studying subjects which have no appeal to me. If you are a wizard or witch, life instantly becomes more exciting. You can meet people just like you, find out about magical creatures such as hippogriffs, house elves, unicorns; you can even ride a broomstick for a sport. It just keeps getting better. You go to a wizard school and study subjects you might actually find interesting – Defence against the dark arts (a particular favourite of mine), charms, and transfiguration. Subjects that are actually going to help witches and wizards later in life. English, maths and science are thrown out of the window. Plus, after Harry Potter has defeated Voldemort, there’s no fear of being killed by him for being a half blood or less. You can live life quite happily just pottering along performing magic. Downsides? I can’t think of any! Can you? Let me know if you can because I’m at a loss.

Between the lines’ isn’t actually a series; it’s a single book about a girl who is lonely in her life and a boy trapped in the pages of a book who is sick of acting the same thing over and over again. The girl and boy spend the whole book trying to free the boy from the book and come to life so they can be together and have each other as friends
(or more).


By the end of the book, after much of a struggle, it works and the boy has been brought to life. I’d like to live in this book because I think just how wonderful it would be to have the ability to bring a fictional character to life. I wouldn’t know where to begin! The only downside that I can actually think of is that if a character was brought to life and they were really annoying, you can’t get them back in the pages of the book so you’re stuck with them.

Overall, I still stand by my choice that I think ‘Harry Potter’ is the best book to live in out of all of the books I have mentioned. What book would you live in if you had the chance? Can you see any problems with the books you’ve mentioned? Leave a comment below!


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