Most Overrated book - 30 day book challenge

Most overrated book - Day 9 of 30 day book challenge

Once again, my posting has a lot to be desired. There is a reason for this as these last few days have been a bit hectic and exciting. Yesterday (June 13th) I had my birthday when I turned 17, and today in the post I received a reply from Eddie Redmayne to a fan letter I sent him. He sent back a photo with a message and his signature which made me cry with happiness. That's why my posting has been a bit on and off.

Today is day 9 of the 30 day book challenge and the question is 'most overrated book'. The book I have chosen is still one I love but I think it is overrated based on how it is written; I think it could be so much better. The book is 'My sister's keeper' by Jodie Picoult and I recently did a book review on it. Whilst everyone else goes on about how amazing and sad it is, I hasten to disagree.

The idea of the book itself is lovely and moving and very much emotional: 2 sisters, one who has cancer and one who was made to be a donor baby but is now suing for her own body. That is a story that if done well will be a beautifully tragic book that could make anyone cry. That's the problem with the book though - it wasn't told well enough to make me cry. The story moves very slowly and it seems there is a lot of time dedicated to hearing about nothing much happening but the ending happened in a very abrupt way. Whether this a writing technique done deliberately or not, I don't know, I just don't think it was very effective.

The use of medical terminology is also off putting to anyone who is not a doctor or nurse. To an extent, everyone knows a small and limited amount of medical terms but the amount used was maybe a bit over the top. It shows that the author has clearly done her research before writing the book but it seems she forgot that the people reading her book will probably have no idea what is going on.

Overall, I gave the book previously 2/5 stars and although people praise the book, I think it is very much overrated because it is a book that could have been done so much better but people think it is more wonderful than what I think it actually is.


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