Your favourite author - 30 day book challenge

Your favourite author – Day 19 of the 30 day book challenge
Asking who my favourite author is like asking a mother to choose a favourite child. It’s impossible. I have, however managed to narrow it down to my favourite 4.
·         Nicholas Sparks
·         Sophie Kinsella
·         John Green
·         J.K. Rowling.
I don’t really need to elaborate as to why Nicholas Sparks is my favourite author because of my last post (see here: ) Sophie Kinsella also applies (see here: which leaves J.K. Rowling and John Green.
J.K. Rowling is one of my favourites purely because she is the person who made my childhood. The books she has made will stay with me forever; what makes her even better is that the books she has written outside of the ‘Harry Potter’ world are also wonderful. I’m not talking about ‘Beedle the bard’ or ‘Fantastic beasts and where to find them’. I’m talking about ‘The casual vacancy’, 'The cuckoo’s calling’ and her most recent work ‘the silkworm’. 
There has been a lot of harsh comments said basing this work about how they’re so boring and political, but I think that the main reason is because  everyone is comparing her new books to ‘Harry Potter’ which is exactly what she is trying to avoid. She wanted to be able to get away from writing 'Harry Potter' and be able to write for a more mature audience; when she does, everyone starts a riot. I think that yes, her new work is different; it’s clear that it’s aimed at an older audience, but that’s exactly why I love it.
That leaves John Green. John Green is one of my favourite authors because (besides the way he provides a completely new outlook on life) he is so versatile in his writing. He can do emotional and serious books such as 'The fault in our stars' or he can do light-hearted and funny such as 'Will Grayson, Will Grayson'. The characters he creates are realistic in the way that they think and act, there are (mostly) realistic story lines and when emotion is created, it is done so well that you would have to have a heart of stone to not be effected by them.
These are my favourite authors, so now I'm asking you: Do you have a favourite author? Let me know in the comments!


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