Problems with social networking

Everyone has at least one social network that they use regularly, if not all of them. I use twitter, tumblr, facebook, instagram and youtube (Does that count?). That's a lot for one person. The problem with using these sites is that people often get themselves into trouble without realising it. There are so many issues that to save you reading one massive long chunk of text, I'll lay it out through the different sites that I think can cause the most drama.

The problem:
The most common site used by so many people that there are even accounts that people have made for their pets. This is something that I find ridiculous because a cat or a dog can only say and do so much, so I think that having a facebook account made for it is just one step a bit too far. I think the main issue with facebook is that once people are comfortable with the site, they begin to use it dangerously, forgetting that this is a website that means everything they post is out there forever for everyone to see. They post revealing photos, add people that they don't know and start to have conversations with strangers. I know that it's good to make friends online who are interested in similar things to you, but there's a limit - arranging to meet a stranger all by yourself isn't a great idea. 

My idea of a solution:
If you are going to use facebook, don't post inappropriate photos; that way you can't end up getting in trouble. Also, if you're going to make friends with people online and are going to meet up with them - take some friends with you. Don't go alone - take a group of people; tell them to do the same so they don't feel intimidated. This way you can see for yourself if they're safe or not and then if you want to meet up on your own, you can do that. 

The problem:
Tumblr is an amazing site - you can use it to make a blog like here, but for every other thought imaginable. If you search anything in the search bar, there will be a guarantee that something will come up. The problem with having so many posts for everything is that disputes can easily happen. Everyone has different opinions of everything, so if two people who have opposite views, fights happen. Fights are even worse online because people forget the key thing - THESE ARE REAL PEOPLE YOU'RE TALKING TO. This is something easily forgotten - it may just be a name and a face behind a screen to you, but these people are living, breathing and they have real feelings which means they can get upset. 

My idea of a solution:
Accept the fact that people aren't always going to have the same views as you - other people will have different opinions and that's ok! Just accept it, try to see their view. If you try to make them see your view, fine, but don't start a fight just because of two opposite views.

The problem:
Youtube is an amazing site - a simple video can be shared amongst millions of people just by a few quick clicks. People share covers of songs they have done, funny things they have seen, music videos are shared this way...the list is endless. People singing seems to be videos that are constantly being shared. However, the more covers that are shared, the more people compare the same songs. This causes so much drama because of the simple fact that if someone sings a song that someone doesn't like, or they don't quite match up with the original artist then nasty comments are made (again forgetting that these are real people) and arguments break out.

My idea of a solution:
Accept the fact that people will not be able to sing exactly the same as the original artist and listen to the good in their voice. If you don't think they sing as good as you think they could be - don't be mean about it. Be nice when you say what you think and if you're going to say anything - just use constructive criticism. They'll probably appreciate that a lot more than a nasty comment which will just ruin their day.

So these were my ideas to make sure the social networking sites stay as a fun and friendly way to make friends and I hope you use them constructively! 


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