The most surprising plot twist or ending - 30 day book challenge

Most surprising plot twist or ending - Day 25 of the 30 day book challenge

'Fallen' is one of my favourite series - the books are about a forbidden love between 2 people - Lucinda Price and Daniel Grigori - for a reason that is unknown to us. The whole series is about the pair finding out how to stop this curse; Daniel knows what caused it but Lucinda doesn't - she is finding out what caused it by herself.

There are 5 books in the series, along with a smaller book as an addition. The final book, 'Rapture' is when everything comes together and we understand what the curse is and why it was inflicted on them. No matter who reads the book, whatever you imagine could be the curse, it will be something completely different - the answer is more brilliant than any ordinary person could think of. Lauren Kate (the author) has excelled her imagination and really thought outside the box with the final book.

The final book in the series has a bit of everything for everyone - a bit of love (it is the main theme after all), some action and fighting, some bravery and true friendship. There are realistic characters, raw emption and constant unexpected twists and turns...leading up to the biggest surprise of them all.

I won't reveal what the plot twist is; it would be too cruel as it ruins the whole series. I will say that if you are going to read the series - have tissues at the ready - the last book certainly brings tears to your eyes.

The film of the first book is underway and is set to be released in 2015 so I am very exited to see how they are going to bring the magic to life. Have you ever read a book which had a plot twist that took your breath away such as this one? Let me know in the comments!


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