Book you tell people you've read but haven't or at least haven't finished yet - 30 day book challenge

Book you tell people you've read but haven't or at least haven't finished yet - Day 21 of the 30 day book challenge

Well today's title is quite long...This is a particularly difficult post for me because I don't believe in telling people I've done something or read something if I haven't - I just don't see the point. The only book that I can think of that I say I've read but haven't finished yet is the 'Game of thrones' series. Don't get wrong, I don't tell people I haven't finished reading them - I tell them the truth - I am in the midst of reading the series. That kind of makes this post a bit pointless...

There are 7 books in total in the series; initially this isn't too bad because that's the same amount as to what are in the 'Harry Potter' series...The problem is that the books are very big. There are roughly 800 pages per book (Not far off from 'Les Miserables'). This isn't a problem for me - as long as the book stays good all the way through, I can read it in a week. The problem is finding time for reading a book as big as this during college time.

I've begun my 2nd year work at college now which requires a lot more concentration and time than the 1st year. I am also starting to think about universities - open days, applying for prospectuses, UCAS details, writing my personal statement...All on top of having a social life with my friends, helping out around the house and with my little brother, all on top of trying to find a job. You can see why my blogging sometimes gets prolonged, just the same as reading does.

I'm going to end the post here beca
use I don't really have much more to say! I'm on book 4 out of 7 in the series, so when I finish the series I will be sure to post a review! Because this is a short post, I'll do 2 posts today (2 days closer to the end!) so a new post will be up later!

Do you have a book you say you've read but haven't? Or one you haven't finished yet? Let me know in the comments!


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