Least favourite plot device - 30 day book challenge

Least favourite plot device - Day 22 of the 30 day book challenge

(This will be a short post - sorry guys!)
'City of Glass', 'The hunger games' series and the 'Twilight' series all have on thing in common. Any ideas? They all use the same plot device I hate with a passion. Love triangles.

I really can't see the point in the use of love triangles purely because they mostly distract the reader from the original story; like an extra bit of story put in to try and make things a bit more interesting - the only problem is that it doesn't work.

'The hunger games' is a really good series - the way she pretends to love her fellow tribute so they can get out alive isn't such a bad idea. Even the way the author shows that it effects the people back home works well. The thing that ruins the book is when that is the only thing the author then decides to focus on. With the release of the films, the love triangle theme has gotten worse - everyone has turned 'Twilight' - 'Team Peeta' or 'Team Gale'. I can guarantee this is probably not the original intention of Suzanne Collins.

'Twilight' are the set of books that started the whole fiasco off. 'Team Edward' or 'Team Jacob'. To be honest I really don't care who they she ends up marrying - I hate the book series anyway, putting this in just made it worse.

To save me going off on a rant even more (Oops), I'm going to ask you guys now: Is there a plot device you hate? One that's used in a particular book? Let me know in the comments!


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